A fotózás volt az egyetlen, ami elég tág teret adott ennek a dolognak. Jó érzés volt, hogy az analóg technika során bárhol bele tudok nyúlni a képbe. Amúgy tisztábbnak tartom, ha egy fotó vágatlan, digitálisan vagy bármily módon retusálatlan. Szeretem ha egyívű

Beleszerettem a laborba, kipróbáltam agyament dolgokat, színes filmeket hívtam ff-nek, meg igazából szinte teljesen minőségtelen negáim vannak. Ha ide a netre felkerül egy kép, akkor azt előtte persze Photoshop-al kicsit eladhatóbbá varázsolom. Nem tudom, mi lenne ha lenne egy digitális gépem. Lehet hogy nem tenne jót, de a fene tudja. Olyan sok dolgot kipróbáltam már, minden nap mást akartam kísérletezni, montázsolni, szolarizálni, és még mindig van egy csomó dolog, aminek tájékán sem jártam. Még álmomban is fotózok. Legutóbbi szenvedélyem a hibákról szól, a hibaizmusról (de ezen nevetni kell, én sem veszem olyan komolyan, mégis sokat gondolkozom rajta) az a lényege, hogy szeretek hibázni. Mégpedig azért, mert akkor azonnal jön egy motiváció arra, hogy kijavítsam a hibát, és talán jobban átgondolom tőle az eredeti célt. Többféle hiba is van, van olyan hiba is, ami új oldalról mutatja meg a világot, és felnyitja az ember szemét. Vannak szép hibák is.

tovább / more
I have been a painter, also a graphic, a ceramist, I have made puppets, I wanted to be everything, through which I can get closer to the feeling which presses me from inside. This is what gets me to make pictures, continuously wants to come out and tell me something interesting.
Photography was the only thing which gave wider possibilities to this pressure. It was a really good feeling that I could modify the picture at any stages. Anyway, I feel more fair if a photo is uncropped and un-retouched digitally or in other way. I like if the process is a whole, a miracle starts at the beginning and comes out at the end. Sometimes it is succeeded to reach.
I fell in love with lab techniques, I have tried crazy things. I developed colour films as black and white, additionally, I have quite wrong quality negatives. Though if I post a picture on the web, previously I make it a little "edible". I wonder what if I had a digital camera. It would not make any good, but who knows... I tried so many things, I wanted to do experiments, collages, solarized photos, and there are still a lot of things, which I have never tried. I take shots even in my dreams. My latest passion is about the mistakes, the "mistakism" (it seems funny, I do not take it seriously either, but I keep thinking about it). The point is that I like to make mistakes, because it gives me a motivation to correct the error, so I think over the original intention more thoroughly. There are several types of mistakes; there is a kind, which shows the world from another point of view, and opens people's eyes... There are beautiful mistakes as well.
Photography was the only thing which gave wider possibilities to this pressure. It was a really good feeling that I could modify the picture at any stages. Anyway, I feel more fair if a photo is uncropped and un-retouched digitally or in other way. I like if the process is a whole, a miracle starts at the beginning and comes out at the end. Sometimes it is succeeded to reach.
I fell in love with lab techniques, I have tried crazy things. I developed colour films as black and white, additionally, I have quite wrong quality negatives. Though if I post a picture on the web, previously I make it a little "edible". I wonder what if I had a digital camera. It would not make any good, but who knows... I tried so many things, I wanted to do experiments, collages, solarized photos, and there are still a lot of things, which I have never tried. I take shots even in my dreams. My latest passion is about the mistakes, the "mistakism" (it seems funny, I do not take it seriously either, but I keep thinking about it). The point is that I like to make mistakes, because it gives me a motivation to correct the error, so I think over the original intention more thoroughly. There are several types of mistakes; there is a kind, which shows the world from another point of view, and opens people's eyes... There are beautiful mistakes as well.
2 megjegyzés:
Remek ez az oneletrajz szeruseg ize akarmi, tenyleg tetszik. jo volt olvasni, hogy mi minden is vagy te. Azert tenyleg eleg jokat hibazol;) udv
i love ur pictures vera!!! ur fab!!!!
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